
Tuesday, 17 February 2009

at last!

At long last the boxing day jumper is done! I started this on Boxing Day 2007, but did not pick it up again until Boxing Day 2008. I then really gave it some welly on the knitting front as I was not too busy with other projects, but then it got relegated again...until today! I have sewn it up and tried it on, and it is very warm....just in time for an unusually mild snap! I even have my washing out today and it doesn't look like the towels are about to snap in half any time soon. Ah, well, such is life, back it goes in the cupboard until Boxing Day 2009...

On a brighter note, I think I shall write up the pattern to sell alongside my other Monty patterns which are coming along very nicely. BD jumper was designed with a very 50s theme in mind, with bracelet length sleeves and a little v-neck collar, all in all, not very far from the original drawing. I think I possibly should have been braver and made the sleeves even shorter, however, while the aesthetic may have been better, it would have been far less practical!

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