Easy Baby Knits
This book has mistakes in both US and UK Versions, First Edition. The Book has now been reprinted in paperback with all the following mistakes corrected.

Booties pp 66-67
Largest size basket weave comes out as rib, please correct pattern as folls:
1st row: K3, p2, k2, p2, k1(3), turn. Leave the rem 11(13) sts on a second stitch holder.
2nd row: P1(3), k2, p2, k2, p3, turn.
3rd row: K1, p2, k2, p2, k3(2), p0(2), k0(1), turn.
4th row: P3(1), k2, p2, k2, p1(2), k0(2), p0(1), turn.
Repeat last four rows 2(3) times more, but do not turn on last row.
Cardigan pp 78-9
Materials 3(3,4,4,5) balls are needed of Yarn A, shade 502
You must increase at either end of every increase row. ie:
Beg with knit row, work 4 rows st-st, inc 1 st at both ends of next row…..
Baby Bonnet pp 74-75 (this pattern works, but creates a pixie like point. For a more rounded bonnet, please make these adjustments.)
Next row: cast off 72(68:64) sts in moss st, k81(89:97) sts, cast off rem 72(68:64) sts in moss st.
Rejoin yarn to main body of hat
Work 8(9:10)cm in st st……
1st row(RS): *K8(9:10), k2tog, rep from * to last st, k1. 73(81:89) sts
next row and every other row, purl
3rd row: *K7(8:9), k2tog, rep from * to last st, k1. 65(73:81) sts
cont in this way….until 17 sts rem.
Break off yarn, leaving approx 50cm for sewing up. Thread yarn through rem 17 sts and pull tight to make ring.
Finish bonnet as pattern pp 75
Matinee Jacket pp 90-91
cont in moss st inc 1 st at each end of next row and every foll 4th row to 37(43:47)sts
2nd and 3rd sizes only
Cont in moss st, inc 1 st at each end of every 6th row to(47, 51)sts
Length measurements need to be changed throughout, as below:
Smallest size only
UK editions
Change all measurements of 11(15:20)
to 14(26:32)
And all measurements of 20(26:32) to 24(26:32)
Left front
Change all measurements of 11(15:20)
to 14(26:32)
All measurements of 17(23:29)
change to 21(23:29)
And 20(26:32) change to 24(26:32)
Right front
Change all measurements of 11(15:20)
to 14(26:32)
Change measurement for second buttonhole:
From 14(19:24) to 17.5(19:24)
And last buttonhole:
Change 16.5(22.5:28.5) to 20.5(22.5:28.5)
Measurements of 17(23:29)
Need to change to 21(23:29)
And 20(26:32) change to 24(26:32)
US editions
Change measurements of 4.5(6:8)in to 5.5(6:8)in
Final length change from 8(10.25:12.75)in to9.5(10.25:12.75)in
left front
change 4.5(6:8)in to 5.5(6:8)in
up to shape neck 8.25(9:11.5)
final length after completing neck change from8(10.25:10.75)in to 9.5(10.25:12.75)in
right front
up to shape yoke change from 4.5(6:8)in to 5.5(6:8)in
under change to seed st for 2nd buttonhole 6.75(7.5:9.5)
under seed st for 3rd buttonhole 8(8.75:11.25)
length to shape neck 8.25(9:11.5)
After completing front 9.5(
Yarn Palette Errata
Henna Sun Hat pp 84-87
The hat only uses House of Hemp Expressions, not Alchemy Silken Straw (although this would be a nice alternative, it was used in an original version of the hat)
Therefore the pattern should read:
Yarn A: 2 x shade Yippi
Yarn B: 1 x shade Dah