Exciting times are afoot in monty world; I am counting down to the launch later this month of an exciting project and in the meantime I have had a delivery of the most gorgeous Frog Tree merino wool which is not only dreamily soft and lightweight, but also in my of the moment favourite colour, a hard to descibe reddish-orange (or is that orangey-red?!) melange. No hints yet as to what it is for, but I can say that I am very excited by the project and it is a garment I have been wanting to make for ages. Added to this, to enhance everything monty, I have purchased a shiny new camera, and this is my first picture - what do you think?! Still trying to figure out how to use it, so I need to practice more to work out how to focus - I am more of a point and press, no fuss kinda gal - but keep getting sidetracked by it instead of working on the million or so knitting projects I have on the go for all these new ventures! So, I had better put the darn thing down and get cracking...