As a wise old owl once explained to Bambi, it seems almost everyone in the whole world has become twitterpated and I have to admit, I am one of them. You may have noticed that I have signed up to twitter, and am now officially addicted. The attraction is not necessarily an ego thing - I really have no idea why people would care about what I am making for breakfast (although I am constantly surprised at how interested I am in twits of others' eating habits...). It is however a great way to find like minded folk (mainly knitters!) and I have discovered and enjoyed reading the most beautiful, inspiring, funny, clever blogs and websites since I joined. I just thought I might share some of these with you, to point you towards them if you aren't already following them (yes, I am well aware of how stalkerish the whole thing is!) or to give you a reason to begin twittering if you do not already.
hope to see you in twitterland at some point, as since I joined, I have no idea whether I shall ever go outside again....